More from Campus Events
- Mar 311:00 PMEve Scott Senior Artist Talk and ReceptionSenior Artist, Eve Scott, will have her artist talk in the Choir Room with a reception to follow in the CFA Lobby.
- Mar 314:00 PMVolunteer Income Tax Assistance ProgramThis event is being put on by the Department of Business. It is the VITA program which is a free clinic offered to low to moderate income tax payers.
- Apr 111:00 AMGeneral Student Recital
- Apr 111:00 AMVolunteer Income Tax Assistance ProgramThis event is being put on by the Department of Business. It is the VITA program which is a free clinic offered to low to moderate income tax payers.
- Apr 28:00 AMRegion 2 Instrumental Contest
- Apr 44:00 PMVCSU Spring VB Tournament3 day club volleyball tournament